Страхование ваших квартир в Мадриде

Maybe because we never expect a sinister event to occur, we do not take the time that is necessary to prevent the risks linked to being the owner of a flat. Contract's general conditions do not help either: apart from being very specific and often being written in a small font, the insurance policies are tedious to read and do not encourage us to pay attention.

When you are subscribing to an insurance policy, it is important to pay close attention:
- When you are requesting a mortgage, some banking entities recommend or insisit that you to subscribe to an insurance policy, which in most cases will not provide you with the necessary cover.
- In other cases, you subscribe to cover that you already benefit from thanks to your co-ownership: you will pay for a new guarantee while you already have it.
- When the insurance addressee is the property that is going to be rented, you will have to mention in the insurance contract whether you are renting it 'with or without furniture'. In case of an adverse event, the insurance company might refuse to refund the cost of the furniture if it was not mentioned in the insurance contract.
- In order to avoid any unpleasant surprises in case of an adverse event, it is extremely important to avoid being 'underinsured' or having the application of the 'proportionality rule'.

Without going any further, we can already sense that subscribing to an insurance policy is not that easy. Our insurance expert will advise you in your subscription process, will guide you towards a suitable insurance policy and will manage any possible damage or adverse occurrences while informing you of the state of your flat at any time. For any information in relation to the 'insurance policies', you can contact your account manager or contact our insurance expert direct.

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With insurance and the guarantees that go with it, you are covered and you do not take any risk by renting your furnished or unfurnished apartment.

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ShMadrid makes your life easier with your accommodation in Madrid. We take care of everything: insurance and rental, so there is no need to have multiple contacts.

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Агенство с хорошей репутацией

Created in 2000, ShMadrid is part of Apartur, the Official Association of Estate Agents and Madrid's Property Administrators. All of these institutions and public organizations confirm our knowledge and hard-working skills.

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Наша команда
Marc Bernat
Department Director

Телефон: 915762474+300
Моб. телефон : 685179100

офис: General Pardiñas 78, Madrid
Sofía Urribarri
Deputy department Manager

Телефон: 915762474+301
Моб. телефон : 626771226

офис: General Pardiñas 78, Madrid
Jose Augusto Suñen
Key Account Officer

Телефон: 915762474+302
Моб. телефон : 696641720

офис: General Pardiñas 78, Madrid
David Notario Escudero
Sales Manager

Телефон: 915762474+305
Моб. телефон : 680603631

офис: General Pardiñas 78, Madrid
Luz Mandaradoni
Key Account Officer

Телефон: 915762474+303
Моб. телефон : 645855989

офис: General Pardiñas 78, Madrid
Judith Pacheco

Телефон: 915762474
Моб. телефон : 620382789

офис: General Pardiñas 78, Madrid
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